Nashwa Foad Yehya

EZZ00026 – Nashwa Foad
EZZ00026 – Nashwa Foad


A highly experienced physician and clinical nutritionist with nearly 20 years in
nutrition, health, and wellness. Recognized for designing and leading the first
ICF-certified Health Coaching Certificate program in the Middle East,
graduating over 350 Certified Health Coaches. Passionate about empowering
individuals and organizations to achieve health goals through sustainable
lifestyle changes, backed by evidence-based science.

Lec turer: Lifes tyle Modification and Behavior Change, National
Nutrition Ins titute
ICF Health Coaching Ins truc tor: Taught 20 bat ches of Health
Coaching, with over 350 graduates certified.
Wel lnes s Speaker: Topic s on behavior change, power of habit s ,
motivational interviewing, lifes tyle modifications , mental health,
cancer coaching , childhood obes ity and more.

Key Achievement s
Founder: The fir s t ICF- certified Health Coaching Certificate in
the MENA region in partner ship with Intel lec t Coaching School .
Sc ientific Board Member: Egyptian Func tional Medic ine
As soc iation (EFMA), promoting lifes tyle medic ine in Egypt and
the MENA region.
Corporate Speaker: Delivered wel lnes s talks for global
organi zations such as Henkel , Adidas , and Mar s .
Keynote Presenter: Featured at prominent event s , inc luding the
Ain Shams Univer s ity International Clinical Oncology Conference
and the Arab Coaching Forum.
ICF Regi s tered Mentor: Mentored numerous ACC and PCC
coaches .
Coaching Experti se: Over 5000 hour s of one-on-one coaching and
2000 hour s of lec tures and training in health and wel lnes s .

Coaching Program : 

Certified Professional Coach Training, Certified Addiction Recovery Coach, Certified Positive Psychology Coach / Health Coach Instructor

Coaching methods

Coaching methods
School Name
Lifestyle Modifications, Stress Managemen, Emotional Eating
Arabic, English

Contact Information

Social Info
