Inas Ghanem

Based on my Engineering Experience, I focused on Entrepreneurship & Startup Coaching - Entrepreneurship Coaching



Dr. Inas Ghanem the Achievement Coach & Mentor for
Award Winning Entrepreneurs & Start-ups. She is the positive
blend of a successful engineer, university professor, trainer
consultant and Certified Achievement Coach, CPC, PCC as well as
Certified E-commerce Entrepreneurs Advisor. This unique mix
allowed Inas to help her clients in Egypt and round the world
achieve their goals and turn their performance around. Inas
Ghanem has more than 33 years of working experience coupled
with continuous learning. Dr. Ghanem combines data analytics,
visualization, planning and Emotional Intelligence with creativity
and innovation. She has her own Coaching Approach, “PLANET”,
and unique Power Tool, “Open Mindedness Vs. Preconception”
which proved to be the guide for her clients to get the best out of
Inas Ghanem mentors & coaches millennial start-ups &
entrepreneurs who have won awards as a result of her coaching
and mentoring. These coaching clients were enrolled in incubators
& accelerators through out their journey, but still preferred to
continue entrepreneurship coaching and mentoring with Dr. Inas
overcoming the gaps in these systems. Dr. Ghanem always carried
SWOT analysis for these incubators & Accelerators with her
coaching clients to assess their benefit and plan forward.
Inas Ghanem is a very successful entrepreneur herself. She
is the Founder and General Manager of Engineering Planet,
Training, Consulting Company & Coaching Planet that are highly
reputed in the region. Dr. Ghanem is a Certified World Bank Master
Trainer known for her unique training skills in addition to being
Certified Professional Coach, CPC, from the International Coach
Academy and Professional Certified Coach, PCC, from the
International Coach Foundation. Dr. Ghanem is a Certified E-
commerce Entrepreneur Advisor from the World Bank.
Having clients round the world, Inas has developed a new
technique for Remote Group Coaching, Facebook Group
Coaching. She started implementation in January 1, 2017. It

proved very successful and is still going on acting as an pot for
entrepreneurs development.
The Certificate of the Professional Entrepreneur developed
and implemented by Dr. Ghanem acts as a mini incubator for
Inas’s entrepreneurship clients
Dr. Ghanem has turned around the performance of huge
organizations to achieving their farfetched goals and increasing
their profits. Inas is known to catch entrepreneurs through their
very tough times till becoming successful and reputed in their
business. Many of Dr. Ghanem’s start up clients gained
international awards for their success and their impact on the
business and community.

Coaching methods

Coaching methods
Face to Face, Workshop / Seminar, Virtual, Webinar, Team Coaching, Talks, panel Discussions, Tools and Games, Group Coaching, 1-to-1 Coaching
School Name
ICA "International Coaching Academy"
Career Coaching, Leadership, Leadership Development, Entrepreneurship, Startup Coaching, Career Coaching
Arabic, English

Contact Information

Social Info
