Basma Farouk Mohamed
 Life Coach and Trainer, specializing in relationships, both self-relationships and relationships with others, especially with life partners. has accumulated over 500 hours of coaching experience.Throughout her corporate career, she has interacted with people from diverse cultures and nationalities, enhancing her ability to connect with different personalities and strengthening her confidence and skills.During her coaching and training, she empowers individuals and couples, helping them understand themselves, navigate their emotions, and overcome life’s challenges.
 - Bachelor’s degree in business administration, Major Computer Science.
- 25+ Years of Experience in the Field of Customer Service & Customer Service Training.
- Life & Relationships Coach. - ICF
- Positive Psychology Coach. - ICF
- NLP – Master Practitioner. - ABNLP
- Hypnosis Practitioner. ABH
- Certified Trainer. - CLDP
During my Full-time job, I dealt with people from different cultures & nationalities, which gave
me a great ability to deal with different types of people, as well as more confidence in myself,
and my skills.
Through my work as a Coach, I am empowering people, helping them understand their feelings
and overcome the difficulties they face.
My motivations for continuing this work are, helping those who need my help, raise & increase
awareness for my clients, and to leave a good impact and useful knowledge.